New Import Bulk Action

Submitted by mydefposse at

New Import Bulk Action
by mydefposse
It would be great if the main import page (screen below) could have a set of the four options at the top that bulk ticked all? As uploading a new m3u every time, maybe due to a provider change or something means having to go down a sometimes huge list of groups ticking the preferred action when really I just want them all the same action? I'm probably not wording this as best as I could but I hope it makes sense.

[Image: OLT1UMI.png]


Epg Admin
I understand what you mean, but you don't have to import the m3u every time your provider changes something.
Your m3u will be updated by the system automatically after you reviewed the updates.

(06-04-2020, 12:23 AM)Epg Admin Wrote: I understand what you mean, but you don't have to import the m3u every time your provider changes something.
Your m3u will be updated by the system automatically after you reviewed the updates.

Sorry, I meant when I change providers, not when my provider changes something. Sometimes I'll find a provider that has better quality or selection, or sometimes a provider will just go bust and I'll need a new one.

Epg Admin
We don't want you to tick everything in bulk.
You never should import everything.

You will not be able to get epg to everything and you also never will watch everything. 

You should import only the 1-5 groups you will really watch channels from, otherwise you just make the import process unnecessarily long, you waste our resources and you make your editor messy and confusing.

Exactly that's why you start with everything set to "delete".


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